
Gotham Season 4 Episode 14 Domain_10

Gotham season 4, episode xiv review: Reunion

Oswald and Nygma reunite in the latest episode of Gotham. Here's what happened in "Reunion."

Things went from bad to worse for Oswald Cobblepot during terminal week'south episode of Gotham. The sometime mayor of the city constitute himself existence bullied by the Arkham Asylum inmates — all of which is office of plan by Jerome Valeska. Jerome wants Oswald to rediscover his funny side. Oswald played along, and ultimately decided that he would break free from the prison. Jerome was absent-minded from this week'southward installment of Gotham, but Oswald was back upwardly to his quondam tricks — as well equally confabbing with an former friend.

The episode opens with Bruce burning his former vigilante outfit. Why? probable considering, subsequently the events of last calendar week'south episode, he knows that he will now utilise the symbol of a bat going forrad. It'southward a peaceful opening, simply it's not the only thing going on in Gotham Metropolis. Elsewhere, Ivy shows upward at the bar that Bullock works at. She kills all of the bar staff with her new lethal plants. Why? Considering she is sending a message to Bullock, every bit he is responsible for her male parent's expiry.

Sofia Falcone met with Lee to discuss revenue enhancement payments for the residents of the Narrows. Every bit she is at present the queen of Gotham'southward underworld, she thinks she is owed 30 pct of everything. Lee reminded her that they're sisters through marriage, but Sofia isn't interested in that. She asks Lee to make a decision. Jeez, that Sofia'due south a real piece of work. I actually don't similar her.

Enlightened that Bullock is Ivy's target, Gordon tracks downward Bullock. He tells him of Ivy'southward attempt on his life. Ivy appears on the news to tell the citizens of Gotham that anyone who has wronged her in had improve sentry out — their time is up. Oh dear. Bullock refuses Gordon's help and goes looking for Ivy on his own. Things get complicated when Gordon goes to locate Bullock once more just to discover that he has been hypnotized by the ruddy-headed villain. Gordon manages to escape Bullock's gunfire and gives him a punch in the confront to bring him out of his haze.

Meanwhile, Ed continues to take it out with The Riddler — his imaginary counterpart — for the attempt he made on Lee'due south life several weeks ago. I actually love that this storyline of Ed'due south dual personalities is being revisited. Fearful of what The Riddler could do to Lee, Ed agrees that he will impale himself — much to The Riddler's dismay. Later on, Ed checks his mail and finds a letter from Oswald. He reads it to The Riddler and is disgusted that Oswald is reaching out to him.

Bruce decided to run into upwards with Alfred in an attempt to brand amends. He'southward got a lot of groveling to practise, that'south for sure! Unlike previous times, Alfred doesn't take Bruce's olive branch, telling the immature lad that he'll demand to testify himself. I'm really glad that Alfred didn't simply forgive Bruce once more. Information technology would have been user-friendly for the scriptwriters to practise this, but they chose the difficult option and information technology paid off. Unable to get through to his former butler, Bruce goes straight to Selina. He asks her to give him some communication, but the future Catwoman denies him besides. He ain't having much luck now, is he?

At the annual Wayne Foundation Dinner, Bruce has to evangelize an opening speech. He seems unusually nervous — likely considering of the Alfred situation. Halfway through his oral communication, Bruce decides to go off-script. In forepart of Alfred, he delivers a heartfelt paragraph about how Alfred raised him after his parents' deaths. Alfred is touched, merely he tells Bruce that he needs to truly embrace his truthful self — something that he must do on his own. Bruce is unhappy that Alfred cannot help him do this, and he shuns Alfred in one case once again. Again, great writing here.

After Bruce vacates the dinner room, Ivy takes over the ceremony. The guests effort to make a run for it, simply Ivy tells them to sit. Several armed men enter the room. Alfred looks on in horror. He attempts to take out some of the antagonists, but he's apprehended. Ivy decides to make him a republic of guinea grunter by showing the furnishings her plants can accept on people, but thankfully Gordon and his cohorts arrive in the nick of fourth dimension.

Bruce stares at one of the dead masked men and steals his outfit. On typical Batman style, the lights become out and Bruce appears and starts taking on the crooks. When Gordon spots the masked vigilante, he shoots him — unaware that it's Bruce behind the mask. Thankfully, Bruce is wearing a bulletproof vest, so he gets correct back up and runs off. Gordon follows him to the rooftop, simply it'due south no use — the vigilante is gone. Some groovy Batman foreshadowing, that'south for sure!

Ed attempts to see his programme through to rid himself of The Riddler one time and for all by killing himself. Still, his change ego begs him non to go through with his insane plan, promising him that he has another way — signing himself into Arkham Asylum. If he goes to prison, then the Riddler can't hurt Lee, but also they both go to live. It's a win-win really. Sort of. Anyway, it soon turns out that the Riddler had a very different plan all forth.

When Ed is signing the paperwork at the Asylum, Oswald enters the function and reveals to him that there was a secret message in the letter that he'd sent him —i that only The Riddler could've decoded. Uh oh. Ed feels betrayed by his alter ego, just information technology's also late for him every bit Oswald finally calls him The Riddler. In that moment, Ed and the Riddler become one, and the less-intelligent Ed is no more than. I cannot expect to run across what comes of this brilliant reunion because these two characters provided some of Gotham'south greatest ever moments back in Flavor three.

Selina confronts Ivy over her actions back the apartment and the whip-wielder manages to obtain the last of Ivy'due south Lazarus h2o from the found-growing antagonist. The two characters get into a brutal fight, but Selina drops the water and smashes the vial — she doesn't like who Ivy is becoming. Ivy threatens to impale Selina but, in the finish, she lets her keep the ground that they used to be friends.

Alfred patches up Bruce and tells him that not simply would his parents exist proud of him for saving all of the guests at the Wayne issue, but that he is also proud of him. Bruce offers to give Alfred a ride back to Gotham, just Alfred declines the offer, telling him that he is home. I'thou glad Bruce's spoilt brat arc is over — that ran out of steam really apace.

Sofia turns up to Lee's function to find out what she has decided about the Narrow's revenue enhancement. Being an optimist, Lee sees the best in Sofia. She asks her if she'd rather accept leverage on Jim Gordon instead. Not liking her tone, Sofia's men murder Lee'southward men. Then, she smashes Lee's left paw in with a hammer in a brutally graphic scene. When Gordon finds out what Sofia has done, he goes back to the station and tells Bullock everything. Specifically that he knew Sofia had hired the pig and how he covered it up. Gordon asks Bullock to return to the forcefulness. He's going to need his assist to take downwards the queen of Gotham'southward underworld. The plot thickens!

The Iceberg Circular-Upwards

  • A really well-paced episode.
  • Some other episode without Jerome. Why?
  • The Game Of Thrones references were a nice touch. Nonetheless, does Thrones exist in Gotham'southward universe? By the looks of the televisions, computers and mobile phones, Gotham is going for the 1930s aesthetic, much like Batman: The Animated Series, and then Thrones wouldn't exist. Besides, who'd want to watch such a spectacle on those onetime fuzzy TVs?!
  • How did Bullock know that that was Ivy on the TV monitor? Surely he would've questioned her older appearance?
  • Jeez, that scene of Lee getting her hand smashed in was graphic. Perhaps it was necessary to become the message across, simply I haven't been they grossed out by TV in a while.
  • When Alfred question Bruce every bit to why he didn't tell Gordon he was the vigilante, I actually wanted Bruce to reply with "Considering I'm Batman!"
  • It's great to run into Nygma and Penguin back together. They've got a slap-up dynamic.

Gothamwill render on Th, Mar. 22 at eight:00 p.yard. ET on Fox.


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