
Gta 5 Steam To Social Club

yeah i take the same problem i accept linked the game with my google account and it still ask me

'LINK THESE Business relationship?''

and there is no option for yes or no

plz helpppppp


14 Apr, 2015 @ 10:26am

I recall they desire usa to link it with steam merely i have no option for steam at that place

go to rockstar site and brand certain yous sign in click the profile button in the elevation left paw corner at there site and some other page should show with your nickname and on the left wait for a window chosen about me and you lot'll discover the pick there to link it along with twitter, GFWL, 1000+ and steam owe a facebook

Terminal edited by craigsters; fourteen Apr, 2015 @ ten:27am

yes there is no option for steam i accept linnked the game with google and PSN still i can non laissez passer the ''link these account?'' cos' at that place is no section for that ,, what to do??

make a technical assistance ticket with rockstar social club site


14 April, 2015 @ x:29am

I dont accept choice for STEAM there , i take G* ,xbox alive , facebook , google and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ twitter

LOL :o Practice you have this window? Disable your Fundamental Message (the ane on the right side) :> And y'all see the "OK" Button ;) Simply a tipp.

Originally posted past craigsters:

become to rockstar site and make sure you sign in click the profile button in the top left hand corner at there site and some other page should show with your nickname and on the left look for a window called near me and yous'll find the option in that location to link it along with twitter, GFWL, G+ and steam owe a facebook

i have already did what u say but there is no steam

Launch GTAV from Steam, and sign in your lodge account in game. So you lot will have linked yous business relationship with Steam.

Originally posted by Seekuh è_é:

LOL :o Do you have this window? Disable your Key Message (the one on the right side) :> And you come across the "OK" Button ;) Just a tipp.

omg thanks :D

if you get the pop up almost cd key press shift tab and close information technology and you volition run across the ok button. bad pattern is all

LOL I HAD THE CD KEY Department COVERING Information technology :D bye gg


14 Apr, 2015 @ x:32am


Originally posted by craigsters:

go to rockstar site and make sure you sign in click the profile push in the summit left hand corner at at that place site and another folio should show with your nickname and on the left expect for a window chosen about me and you lot'll find the option at that place to link it along with twitter, GFWL, 1000+ and steam owe a facebook

Problem is I have linked the game on their web site. Rockstar Social Gild spider web site recognized and accepted my CD Cardinal. The game shows upward there fine but when I try to launch the stupid game through Steam, it tells me that the activation cardinal is already in utilise and won't have it and allow me to launch the game.

This is the very reason why so many people scream virtually DRM and things similar Social Order considering they do not maintain information and allow legitimate users to play the games that they have bought and paid for.

If the web site (my Social Gild account) acknowledges and accepts the code, which I have already linked to my STEAM copy of GTA IV, and now GTA V, why the hell is it telling me that it is already linked to some other account (It'South THE SAME DAMN Business relationship!) when they themselves accept accepted it on the web??


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